Women are not more morally upright than men.
Women are just as capable as men of committing sexual assault.
Some women will assist in or direct sexual assault.
Making gendered assumptions about the identity of the victim and criminal can make us miss the true perpetrator.
I am glad that this woman was caught. I would bet that this is not the first time or only time that she has done something like this.
I am not sure that I agree with the death penalty or that it should apply in situations where no one was killed.
I do know though, that if this woman happened to depart the world in a sudden and violent event in prison, I don't think many people would be shedding tears.
I know I wouldn't. Also, it's a teacher and cop who are involved. Bad cops exist.
Cynthia Perkins, 36, was sentenced Friday to 40 years of hard labor without the possibility of probation or parole.