I thought this story was good evidence of the selflessness that is normal for many dogs.
If dogs could speak they might indeed take an oath to their humans, much like Aragorn's in The Fellowship of The Ring, "If by my life or death I can protect you I will."
A California woman's dog is being hailed as a hero after jumping to her owner's defense when a mountain lion attacked the pair. The woman, who has been identified as Erin Wilson, encountered the mountain lion when she was taking her dog Eva for a stroll near a picnic area along State Route 299 in Trinity County on Monday.
After she exited her car with her dog, the duo began walking down a path with Eva slowly tracking ahead of her. Before Wilson knew it, a mountain lion jumped out from her side and swiped her across her left shoulder.
While in pain, Wilson called out for her dog. “I yelled ‘Eva!’ and she came running,” Wilson told the Sacramento Bee on Wednesday. “And she hit that cat really hard.” Wilson noted that her 2 1/2-year-old dog weighs 55 pounds and tried its best to take down the cougar.