Phone Booth
directed by Joel Schumacher
directed by Joel Schumacher
This is another older film that is as much a noirish morality play as action/thriller movie. Like some aspects of the biblical Satan, the film's bad guy is an accuser, a prosecutor.
He's someone who will reveal your sins, venial or otherwise, and make you confront them, pay for them, and maybe transcend them. He might be helping you (painfully) to reach a more enlightened stage of life.
Or he could just be a sicko who enjoys humiliation, violence, and pain. So YMMV on that.
The story mostly takes place in or around the titular phone booth but I didn't find this claustrophobic or boring. The late director kept things moving.
Stu Shepard (Colin Farrell, whose native Irish accent occasionally pokes through an attempt at Bronxese) is a publicist who likes to think that he's going big places.
Stu spends more time keeping up appearances than he does providing value to his C-list clients. But if his clients don't figure this out before the check clears, then Stu is happy to take their money.