Friday, November 8, 2019

Bloomberg Running for President?

Sometimes I wish that instead of going into the increasingly unremunerative field of accounting based related information technology I had starting a polling business aimed at telling arrogant billionaires what they wanted to hear. 

Because the only reason that Michael Bloomberg could possibly think that he could become President is that he paid a lot of money to have someone tell him that  he could win. Bloomberg apparently believes that Americans will be lining up to vote for a supercilious control freak with a stop-and-frisk fetish. If Bloomberg does officially enter the race and wind up on the debate stage, don't be surprised if his security detail makes a beeline to stop and frisk Senator Cory Booker. Never can be too sure you know.

Michael R. Bloomberg is actively preparing to enter the Democratic presidential primary and is expected to file paperwork this week designating himself as a candidate in at least one state with an early filing deadline, people briefed on Mr. Bloomberg’s plans said.

Mr. Bloomberg, the former New York City mayor and billionaire businessman, has been privately weighing a bid for the White House for weeks and has not yet made a final decision on whether to run, an adviser said. But in the first sign that he is seriously moving toward a campaign, Mr. Bloomberg has dispatched staffers to Alabama to gather signatures to qualify for the primary there. Though Alabama does not hold an early primary, it has a Friday deadline for candidates to formally enter the race.

Mr. Bloomberg and his advisers called a number of prominent Democrats on Thursday to tell them he was seriously considering the race, including former Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the retired majority leader who remains a dominant power broker in the early caucus state. 

Aides to Mr. Bloomberg also reached out to Gov. Gina Raimondo of Rhode Island, the chair of the Democratic Governors Association. 

Mr. Reid said in a brief interview that Mr. Bloomberg had not explicitly said he was running for president but that the implication of the call had been clear.LINK

I am joking but not really. Bloomberg doesn't appear to have any strong convictions other than he should keep his wealth, only police and his bodyguards should ever be armed, he knows how to run your life better than you do, especially in terms of diet, and that police should harass Black men every chance they get. He may say there's more but I really do think those four tenets define him.

I don't think Bloomberg can win the Democratic primary. His voting base is not the Democratic voting base (outside of some wealthy New York areas). Were Bloomberg to win the nomination it's not a given, based on his enthusiastic endorsement of police state tactics and general refusal to hire many Black people either in his private businesses or as NYC mayor, that enough Democratic voters would think he's worse than Trump. 

The only real impact that Bloomberg can have is to attack Democratic front runners from the right. He's entitled to make his case, of course. It will be interesting to see if the Democratic establishment attacks him with the same vigor with which they've gone after Sanders or Gabbard.