Friday, September 13, 2019

Michigan Prosecutor Sleeps with Rape Victim

You would imagine that most prosecutors of sex crimes would be focused on making sure that justice was done and that the perpetrator of the crime was justly punished. 

You would imagine that a prosecutor would not have to be told that his or her job is to put away the bad guys (gals) and not, repeat not, to get nookie from the victim of the crime. You would imagine that. But for at least one prosecutor in Michigan you would be wrong. 

LANSING — Michigan State Police have launched a criminal investigation into an assistant attorney general who has been accused of having an inappropriate, intimate relationship with the victim in a rape case he was prosecuting. Brian Kolodziej, who was hired in September 2018 under former Attorney General Bill Schuette, was put on administrative leave and subsequently resigned last week after the relationship came to light, said Attorney General Dana Nessel.

“To say I’m horrified and disgusted is really an understatement,” she said. “In over 25 years of practice, I have never before even heard of a situation like this.” Nessel wouldn’t provide details of the situation because it’s still under investigation, but noted that she learned of it after a complaint was filed with State Police. All of the cases handled by Kolodziej will be reviewed by the Attorney General’s Office to make sure defendants received due process.

The case involved Ian Elliott, a CMU student who pleaded no contest to a charge of sexual assault stemming from complaints from two women during the summer of 2016. The cases were combined and he was sentenced to one year in prison in June. 

Kolodziej was allegedly involved in an intimate relationship with one of the women in the case. The Free Press was unable to reach him for comment. The 41-year-old Clinton Township native was an actor before becoming a lawyer, appearing in minor television and movie roles, including “Creep Van,” “Flight of the Living Dead,” “The Girl Next Door” and “Malibu Spring Break.”

The irony here is that Nessel was elected to become Michigan's first openly gay attorney general despite, or perhaps because of a campaign ad in which she tartly pointed out that the candidate you could best trust NOT to show you their penis was the person who didn't have one

Kolodziej probably should have paid a little closer attention to the message his new boss was sending. But again, if you're so stupid that you need to be told not to have sex with the witness and/or victim of a case you're prosecuting, maybe you shouldn't be a prosecutor in the first place.